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The video recording of the second event organised by Polifactory at the end of the H2020 SISCODE Co-design for Society in Innovation and Science is available on our YouTube channel.

The seminar, entitled “Algorithms, Diverse Cognition and Proprioception” gave the opportunity to present the BODYSOUND project, developed by Polifactory with FightTheStroke, together with two other SISCODE pilot projects: OPEN MIND (produced by Science Gallery Dublin) and “AI as co-spectators” (developed by Traces).

During the project we focused on the engagement, development, testing and refinement phases of each of the projects. External experts in psychology, computer science and child rehabilitation contributed to the discussion.

Participants included: Alessandro Deserti (Politecnico di Milano, scientific director of the SISCODE project) and Felicitas Schmittinger (researcher, Politecnico di Milano), Grace D’Arcy (Science Gallery Dublin), Matteo Merzagora (Traces), Fernando Vilariño (Visual Interaction Group, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Emma Farrell (University College Dublin), Stefano Maffei (scientific director, Polifactory, Politecnico di Milano) and Carla Sedini (researcher, Polifactory, Politecnico di Milano), Francesca Lanfranconi (Maria Letizia Verga Center).

You can find the video below: