Design from idea to market Design from idea to market Design from ideas to market is a project of the Politecnico di Milano – Department of Design – Polifactory in…Laura CiprianiFebruary 11, 2019
Makers’ Inquiry Makers’ Inquiry Makers’ Inquiry Italia is an inquiry that tried to describe, under different points of view, the making phenomenon and the practice of self-production in Italy.…Laura CiprianiFebruary 11, 2019
Next Design Innovation Next Design Innovation Next Design Innovation is an initiative developed by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano…Laura CiprianiFebruary 11, 2019
MakeToCare MakeToCare MakeToCare: HEALTHCARE INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM MakeToCare was born as a research activity developed in collaboration with…adminDecember 13, 2018
Fabric-Action Fabric-Action Fabric-Action is a pilot-project promoted by Regione Umbria, co-promoted by Fondazione Politecnico, coordinated and developed by…adminApril 4, 2017
LA MENEGHINA – XXI TRIENNALE LA MENEGHINA – XXI TRIENNALE La Meneghina is a city bike based on an open source project created and developed by Polifactory with Confartigianato under the patronage…adminSeptember 30, 2016
MI-Generation Lab MI-Generation Lab The Municipality of Milan, in collaboration with 18 partners, proposes for the first time, through the…adminJuly 5, 2016
IOT Hackathon IOT Hackathon POuL – Politecnico Open unix Labs, the association and hackerspace of Politecnico di Milano and Polifactory through the initiative 64K –…adminJuly 5, 2016
Design NOW Design NOW Design Now is a program of open and collective project activities promoted by the School of Design…adminJuly 5, 2016