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Pistoia2030 is a project promoted by Camera di Commercio Pistoia, Provincia di Pistoia and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia and Pescia, powered by a Politecnico di Milano’s professionals and researchers team, through Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. 

The projects represents one of the first real initiatives supporting the shared strategy for Pistoia territory, which scope is to involve institutions, enterprises, organizations e citizens to grow and to relaunch the province, adopting a service design methodology

Costruire Capacità is the theme featuring the first actions of Pistoia2030, underlining the project intention to bring a new vision and new skills in the territory, needed to spread the innovation culture along with challenges given by the contemporary context, starting from a local to global level. 

The first stage of the project, started a September 2019, and just concluded, has gave back the Mappa degli Innovatori pistoiesi, digital and interactive, which point is to share with the public and the local initiatives, all those subjects (enterprises, associations and individual subjects) representing an excellence in the territory and a reference point in terms of innovation.

The next phase will see the design of new innovation paths that could activates new skills, stimulates unpublished synergies and activates virtuous practices for the benefit of the whole territory.

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