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On saturday March 16th, the event Manifattura Milano Camp will take place at Milano Luiss Hub for Makers and Students (via D’Azeglio, 3) from 11am to 7pm.

The event is organized by Manifattura Milano (an initiative of the Municipality of Milan) and it will focus on protagonists of craft and manufacturing in the city area.

The rich program will include an Opening Session titled: “La Città e la manifattura del futuro“.

The panel will have as participants: Annibale D’Elia (Comune di Milano), assessor Cristina Tajani, prof. Stefano Micelli (Università Ca’ Foscari), prof. Marco Taisch (Politecnico di Milano), Massimo Banzi (founder of Arduino), Francesco Cingolani (FabCity Paris TBC) e the scientific director of Polifactory, prof. Stefano Maffei.

Full program is available at this link.

Update: the streaming of the event is now available.