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We are pleased to announce that the Polifactory team, within the H2020 T-Factor project and with the support of the consortium, has started an Europe-wide mapping of meanwhile uses and strategies.

The mapping aims to determine how these types of meanwhile uses are supported and realised in Europe.

The result of the analysis is the map “Meanwhile in Europe“, which can be consulted online and which shows, through different ways of navigation and interaction, the various experiences related to meanwhile uses in different European cities.

The aim is to make the mapped experiences usable for the wide community of stakeholders T-Factor addresses, and thus explore the meanwhile approach at the urban level or as part of large regeneration projects.

The analysis aims to clarify various aspects: how the meanwhile approach has been supported and realised so far, what challenges it has been up against, what regulations it has influenced, which actors have expertise on the topic in Europe and which cities are facing similar issues and challenges.