Design for Empowered Patientship is a research initiative promoted by Polifactory, the makerspace/fab-lab of Politecnico di Milano and the Center for Design at Northeastern University to study patient-centric projects and practices and highlight the significance of humanizing healthcare. This initiative is currently mapping emerging practices in two regions – Milan and Boston within their own metropolitan areas – to develop a structured account of the range of approaches that can enable patients’ empowerment. The aim is moving the culture of healthcare systems “from cure to care”.
The first results of this research will be released throughout 2022, and constitute the foundation of the Design for Empowered Patientship research platform, that includes Polifactory, the Center for Design at Northeastern University, Fondazione Politecnico Milano and Fellows of Politecnico di Milano US.
The scope of the platform is to map and compare the actors, the core competencies, the strengths and weaknesses of the healthcare ecosystems in Boston and Milano, with a focus on their relationships with design.