“3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything. We must ensure that the Next Industrial Revolution in manufacturing will happen in America”.
Just like Barack Obama presented in 2012 the idea of bringing a 3D printer in each school class of the United States, during the XXI Milan Triennale the inspiration of Design after Design has been the opportunity to reflect about the genius loci, for a Milan that aims to open up to the world.
In fact, future innovation won’t generate new spaces intended strictly to host productivity, but also addressed to creativity. So it changes the relation between technological jobs and people: it is the space for the Labour versus Labour.
In 2013, Fondazione Giannino bassetti and Milan Triennale, together with designers and organizations (Regione Lombardia, Municipality of Milan, Politecnico di Milano), have promoted in San Francisco the Innovating with Beauty mission.
In there two avant-gardes meet up: on one hand the California technology, which gave birth to the web and nowadays digitalize the manufacturing; on the other hand the forerunners of “know-how to do with beauty”, focused on re-inventing the tradition of the Leonardo’s bottega.
Three years later Fondazione Giannino Bassetti in collaboration with the curato Stefano Micelli and Polifactory bring into New Craft exhibition some discussion moments with guests from all over the world. The aim is to talk about Labour versus Labour in order to re-consider the idea of metropolis: global cities invested by innovation winds that transform information into objects, making the circle of knowledge grow.
Triennale XX1
Fondazione Giannino Bassetti for New Craft
Labour versus labour. Rethinking work in a digital society.
April 27th-28th 2016
@ Fabbrica del Vapore
Via Giulio Procaccini 4, Milan