On the 15th of July we are going to host a co-creation workshop for the initiative “CTRL+ Exploring augmented reality for distributed design“. The initiative involves designers, makers, technology experts in the co-creation of extended reality experiences for distributed design.
Some open source device projects developed within the Distributed Design project will be the basis for co-creating virtual extended reality functions concerning distributed manufacturing, configuration or customization and how to distribute and use these objects. The aim is to select the best ideas and turn them into extended reality prototypes: examples of how virtual and augmented reality can be used to extend the potential of Distributed Design.
The call to participate is open: you can find the form for applying at this link.
There are 16 spots available until the 11th of July (12AM, midnight).
You can follow our social networks channels (Facebook, Instagram) for any updates.
You can follow the project presentation online via Zoom meeting without registration.
Meeting ID: 915 4327 1577
Passcode: 178999
14.30 > 14.40 | Welcome
Massimo Bianchini | Polifactory
14.40 > 15.00 | Distributed Design and CTRL+
Massimo Bianchini and Andrea Ascani | Polifactory
15.00 > 15.30 | Launch of the co-creation session and coffee break
Andrea Ascani | Polifactory
15.30 > 16.00 | Prototyping for extended reality
Gabriele Romagnoli | TVORI
16.00 > 17.30 | Co-creation session (limited to the registered people present at the event)
moderated by Polifactory Team
17:30 > 18.00 | Presentation of ideas