Polifactory is an interdepartmental research laboratory that explores the relationship between design and new digital manufacturing processes, promoting a new culture of making


Polifactory is an interdepartmental research laboratory that explores the relationship between design and new digital manufacturing processes, promoting a new culture of making.

A place where to investigate the possible future scenarios of advanced manufactory: from distributed production to open hardware up to high interactivity product-service design.

It is a container of services and activities designed to develop youngsters’ multidisciplinary talent and their ability to materialize innovative solutions of product-services that integrate design and technology.

It is an avant-garde experience of the Politecnico in a matter of experimental training, research and firms consultancy.

Polifactory presented by the director, prof. Stefano Maffei (2021)


Polifactory was designed and developed by the Department of Design  with the Department of Mechanics and the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering with the goals to interweave and strengthen the different design cultures present at Politecnico di Milano.

Polifactory connects these systems of cultural, organizational, technical and scientific skills, in order to create a multidisciplinary center of competences, dedicated to new design and production models for products and services. It is accessible to the community of teachers, researchers, PhD students and students within the Politecnico di Milano and to firms, organizations and institutions that operate in Lombardy, in Italy and abroad.